OET is an English test that evaluates the language and communication skills of the healthcare professionals who want to register and practice in an English speaking environment. It gives a logical evaluation of the four language skills like speaking, listening, reading and writing that lays stress on communication in healthcare arena.
OET is about 12 professions like Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Occupational therapy, pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, radiography, speech pathology, veterinary science.
OET makes sure that the English language skills of the healthcare experts are at the appropriate level to prosper in the healthcare arena.
It provides consistency in the language competence of practicing health care professionals. It makes it simple or the patients, careers and colleagues to communicate for nice work quality…
It makes a stable means to opt for the globally trained health professionals.
Seabird has different English learning and test preparation products that may assist the learners enhance their English language skills for the OET test. We have different English learning products that are positioned on the natural immersion program. We take candidates via a series of practice exercises, fun games and audio recordings that keep the interest level of the learner’s stable through the learning process.