Welcome to - Our company is unique in the travel industry because we consider a group as few as six people or as many as six hundred and we work with you every step of the way to make sure we really understand your group's 'wish list' so to speak, so that we can strive to surpass your expectations. Many operators consider a group to be 15 people or more, and these providers will not give the same great rates that we are able to offer because they feel there is no money in it for them.
North America Contact Information:
#2874 - 423 Tyee Dr. - Point Roberts, WA 98281
Tel.: 1-800-393-2810 FREE,
E-mail : team@italygroupspecialists.com
Italy Office:
Tel.: +39 320 817 1361,
Fax: +1-800-393-810,
E-mail : team@italygroupspecialists.com