Tata Tea is the largest packaged tea brand in the country with one in three Indian households having consumed it over the course of last year.It is a combination of both tea dust and extra long tea leaves which give it a delightfully unique taste.
Tata Tea Agni with its flawless strength, taste and color makes the perfect cup of tea to liven up your day.
The blended mixture of taste and power of Tata Tea Agni tea is proven to be a very refreshing combination, which energizes your instantly when in low spirits. The flavonoids used have healthy benefits and also give Tata Tea Agni its outstanding taste, strength and the famous aroma.
Tata Tea used tea leaves picked from our own gardens, packed then and there at the gardens, thus sealing in the real freshness of the gardens. Tata Tea still maintains and delivers on its promise of bringing a refreshing cup of tea to the consumer, from the choicest tea leaves.
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